My personal journey has been one of experience and learning...

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My story

For much of my fifty six years, I lived, like the majority of humanity, in a world of belief that challenges were a natural part of every day 'life'. I did, however, often consider that there had to be more than I was seeing and feeling. After marriage and the birth of four children I became aware of the need to look for the 'bigger picture'. What was my purpose for being here and what was my true nature?

I became compelled to delve into why I reacted the way I did in certain circumstances. Why did I feel the need to blame others and to see them as wrong and me right? What was it that caused the struggle? Who, then, was responsible, if it wasn't someone outside of me?

What could I do to bring about change, to make it better?

I chose to search for the Truth within. It was refreshing and enlightening to discover that there was only one person creating my reality, only one person responsible for my 'struggle'. And that I only had to change one person and that was me.

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Even more revealing…

… was the fact that I needed only to accept and Love myself unconditionally. In turn, that allowed Love for others and the world. This could only happen with a heart centred approach not from my intellect/head. It is so simple even if not always easy.

For some years now, I have been presenting workshops, one on one and phone consultations. I have supported people who have endured childhood traumas, including sexual assault, in a way that enables them to not be defined by their experience and to see the Truth of who they are. I have also been privileged to work with individuals and couples in relationship challenges, helping them to see the growth potential in their experiences.

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I now recognise that in humanity, our sole purpose is to grow in consciousness. As we become more aware of growing, we also become aware of the ​Truth of who we are and of our true potential.




"Love the simple tools anyone can use in their every day life no matter their circumstances. Awareness has changed my life forever and allowed me to know my purpose! Thank you for facilitating my journey!"


- Kiara Woods