Simple Stress Management Strategies

So many times in a week I am asked – “What are some strategies that help with stress”

It is interesting that we automatically focus on how to stop it but not how we can use these triggers to grow ourselves.

As we create experiences in life, we develop strategies within ourselves to cope with those events. More often than not, the strategy is to shut down parts of ourselves.

If we have the awareness to be able to ask “what is coming up for me” and follow that trail to the belief we have about ourselves, then we are then able to release that energy from our body. Release comes from simply becoming Aware.

If you are continually being presented with the same scenario in life, and that this is creating stress for you, it could mean that you have not identified the core belief that is stopping you from letting it go or changing it.

The ability reached that conscious space within us all, allows us to become more engaged with the awareness of the choices we have in our lives.

So, the top Five Strategies I would recommend when you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, anxious or disempowered (all stress emotions) are:

1) Take time for yourself

— We live in such a hectic world that for many they believe they don’t have the time. If the filters in your car’s engine needed changing you would do it. What makes us so unimportant that we never change our filters. We are filtering life through our emotional body every moment.

2) Eat

— Be aware of what fuel you are filling your vehicle with. We cannot expect to live out lives with the fuel light on. We live in a world with an open market of knowledge that enables us to live a healthier ‘us’. Google is your friend! Feeling stressed – try googling ‘foods to relieve stress”

3) Be aware of your thoughts.

— Our thoughts create our reality. When a negative thought presents itself, stop and ask yourself ‘how can I think about that differently’.
Thinking “I can’t do this” will create a very difference emotional and physical response to “I am going to try to do this”; or even better “I can do this!”.
Don’t just think it – write it down.

4) Exercise

— Move your body to keep your energy flowing. It does not have to be the gym every day- a simply a walk and some stretching can be a start to creating changes in your life. The best physical think that you can do when feeling the physical systems of stress is to start with the Five Pointed Star Pose (legs apart and arms stretched above your head – then….

5) Breath

— Before you respond to any altercation or make decisions breathe and make a conscious choice. Ask yourself what ‘choice’ am I making.

Strategies for managing stress are useful tools to empower us towards greater awareness. For all of use however, we have the inherent ability that we often do not conscious use – the ability to communicate.

When strategies are no longer enough – it is important we communicate with those around us about how we are feeling. More importantly we must seek out those that can enable us on the journey to becoming more aware and conscious individual.


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